So pray. Kneel. Bow. Do the hula. The Macarena. Or The Hustle. Or if you want, just visualize sticky embryos in a uterus over the next 12 days as we wait for the first pregnancy test on October 5th.
When we were at Rotunda we had Kelsey checked out as she had been uncomfortable the past few days since retrieval. She spent most of the day Tuesday and Wednesday in her hotel room, feeling bloated, with abdominal pain, and well, not very regular. Dr. Kadam did an ultrasound on her stomach and saw that her ovaries were the size of small melons, when they normally are the size of limes. While it was normal after the meds, it was uncomfortable for Kelsey. She felt better knowing this and was glad she came in with us, and then we decided to head out for some sightseeing.
We hadn't had much luck looking for gifts over the past few days but eventually found some great things in Juhu, across from the JW Marriott.
After some walking on Linking Road, a stop at Mickey D's (we had to do it), shopping under a really hot covered area in Juhu, we decided to call our driver. As we were crossing the very busy street amdist the "tuk tuk's" or two-stroke electric rikshaws, Kelsey was looking very white in the face and said, "I think I'm gonna faint"...
Bill grabbed her arm and literally helped her across the street to the sidewalk. The girl was pale as a ghost and I was feeling terrible for her. After sitting on the curb for a few minutes and taking in some water, she was feeling better -- but man, that was very scary. Recuperating in the comfort of our air-conditioned car, things were looking good. It was then, on a sidestreet off the main drag, that we stumbled upon a political protest. It all seemed very nice and civilized until they started punching the cardboard cut out of who ever they were protesting, and then lighting the cut out on fire.
The traffic started backing up and things were getting a little aggressive...and we were basically stuck for about five minutes. I have to say I was pretty tense but I tried not to show it. Our driver chuckled a bit but I don't think any of us in the car thought it was too funny. It probably was very tame and civilized under Indian standards, but I don't want to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. As I get older I start to realize that. My adventurous youth is a thing of the past. I'd rather have boring evenings with a baby (or two).
Fingers crossed.
ReplyDeleteThere is never a dull moment in India! LOL But do soak it all in as after you return stateside you will look back at this as a grand adventure and hopefully in 9 months you'll go back to pick up the trophy! Crossing all our fingers and toes for success!
Thinking good thoughts for you. It is an odd feeling once you have done all you can do and then you can do nothing more but wait. Deep breaths...
ReplyDeleteBest of luck over the next 12 days guys. Sounds like you are having a great adventure. I agree though, we are a little more cautious too now compared to our youth.
ReplyDeleteFingers & toes crossed for you.
i think that is a really sound , considered decision., You have loads of C-embies - and yes, it only takes one!!!
ReplyDeleteYou're now officially in the two week wait. Ugh, i feel for you guys.
Wishing you the very best and hoping for a big fat positive!!!
Poor Kelsey - I can only imagine how she must be feeling. I have had a friend do this and she said it was rather uncomfortable. But at least Kelsey is getting to recoup in a 5-Star Hotel with 2 Nurse Maids! :)
ReplyDeletePlease give her me best - hope you are all doing well. Enjoy this adventure. Cara