Tuesday, April 24, 2012

The Swaddle

Either this baby is a good actor or this actually works. Check it out:


  1. Thank God it blinked there at the end. I was getting nervous!

  2. hi there. i'm Toban's mom, Orions Grannie. Believe me, if there's anything you learn to do for your new baby, that would be the swaddle. Toban did one fine swaddle, tight as can be. It calmed and soothed Orion everytime. You must be getting very excited on the upcoming arrival.

  3. From a LOT of experience in this department, YES YES YES...a good swaddle, shhhh, and sway will absolutely work at calming a baby.

  4. Yep they love to be swaddled! His didn't really seem that tight though. Orion loved to be swaddled tight. I was a master swaddler! That only lasted for the first 2 months because he was too big and would always inevitably get out of the swaddle o_O

  5. The tighter the swaddle the better! It's a good thing to know. Happy swaddling!

  6. Absolutely a miracle! I have known a baby or 2 that truly didn't like swaddling - but not mine. They loved it and all slept that way for their first several weeks. We had it easy with those special blankets that have diagrams and strategically placed velcro - until our 10.7 pound monster was born and couldn't fit in it - then we had to learn how to do the baby burrito ourselves (with a giant blanket because regular receiving blankets were too small to wrap around him!).

  7. I agree re the swaddling, not sure if I fancy the rocking/swaying all night though!! I must admit, have come close to it though :)

  8. I just watched this 3 times and saved it to my desktop. I'm gonna practice on the dogs!!!

  9. What is that strappy vest the guy is wearing???

    Yes, swaddling does work for the wee ones. Cailyn was swaddled for about 2 months for sleeping then got too strong for the swaddle. If you buy an Adan and Anais swaddle (highly recommended), they have a wonderful diagram on the box showing how to do it.

  10. TEACH ME!! hope you guys have this down to a science...i am bursting for your little one to arrive...i check every flippin minute of the day for THE post!!!

    Hugs :)

  11. The 5 S's!!! They are absolute magic!

  12. So very cool...just mesmerizing!!mmmm
