We've Arrived at Two -- And I swear I feel like she was born yesterday. And yes, everyone DOES tell you that it flies by...but why?? When we're having such fun???
I know. I'm her father. I'm supposed to be gushing. And gush I do. On Facebook. Instagram. At work. In texts. On my blog...I'm
that kinda parent. And most other parents don't bat an eye because they are doing the same thing -- loving their children. Is there anything better? Until you get there (and you will, all the IPs out there), you just don't realize the magnitude of having your heart live outside of your body all day, every day, for the rest of your life. It grounds you in a way you've never experienced before...and it's only going to get worse...errr or better. And we are so looking forward to it. The only part that makes me feel a tiny pang of an "ouch" is knowing we will never have that moment back...that one that just happened. The one that made my heart melt, made me say "awwww", and get those butterflies of love for our child. Those moments of sad eyes, giggly laughs and tickles, to cute garbled words, to singing Zippidy Doo Da in the car on the way back from day care, to her saying "nilky please?" or just that tired look at night when she molds in to your body and you rock her to sleep. It really has been that good, with only a few down times (during which I secretly plan to plan a Papa/Daddy vacation until I come to my senses).
Here are some photos of her 2nd Birthday Party. Enjoy!
Peppa Pig is the bomb in Cristina's world.
Opening her Godfather Todd's birthday card
Snuggling with her sister, Chloe, before the festivities...

Uncle Matt always arrives early and wants kisses. She warmed up by the end.

Cristina's cousins, Balen and Aidan, and neighbor, Rocky. A framer for sure.
Cristina and her friend, Kalia from day care -- they are total BFFs
Kory, Page, Mekia and Josh
Slave. Labor. Nuff said.
The gang in Cristina's room.
Godmother Kay and our very good friend and neighbor, John.
Apparently picking leaves off bushes is a very fun thing to do....
Waiting for the birthday cake.
Here it comes...and she' doesn't know what to do with it.
Keola and Kalia know exactly what to do with the birthday cake!
Holly, Patti, John and my sister-in-law Leah
Daddy and Rocky are getting ready to make Peppa Pig disappear
My two brothers, Scott and Matt with me and Cristina. She's very ticklish...
Kisses were being doled out by the end of the night, Thank God.
Daddy and Cristina reading Daddy's
godmother's birthday card to Cristina.
This was a very sweet moment...
An awesome 2nd Birthday...for sure.
Papa and Daddy Love You, Cristina Lei. Here's to a happy and memorable year of growing and loving and making friends. You're Two now!!! Such a BIG girl...