So yes, lots of activity over the past few weeks. We're on a cuteness level so high I'm not sure I can withhold all the love that's been pent up inside of me for the past many, many years...and then not bombard this little love bug with it (but I am extremely biased). I swear she is going to think my face looks like the Apple logo because I'm constantly putting my phone up to take a shot of her incredibly overwhelming adorableNESS!! It's a sickness, I know....apologies for over-promoting her, but you can't deny it. WE SOOOOO LOVE THIS CHILD!!
She likes to sit in the back yard with Bill and check out the progress of the backyard bungalow. I swear she's going to pick up a hammer and saw and build her own home after following Daddy Bill around. Trips to Home Depot and Lowes are very much a part of the daily routine.
Yes, I am going to rule the what's it to you?
Ok, so Papa Doug dressed me in this really cute bikini and I'm thinking about going to the beach today....but don't be so sure I'm ready to be dunked in the ocean. Stay tuned...
This is my current attitude toward going to the beach...SULK, SULK SULK!
Ok, I'm here and it's not so bad. Let's get the party started!
A little movement to get the juices flowing...
Ok, I'm feeling the beach vibe...bring it on!
Naps are very common for a 4+ month old so don't worry...I'll be back.
After my nap, Papa is going to toss me in the ocean for the first time EVER...wish me luck.
Hey, this ain't so bad! But no fair my chubby legs got in the photo!
Back at the ranch and Papa has me goofing off again...
Trying to make the same face...

Yes, Papa has more wrinkles than me...don't tell him.
(I think he's trying way too hard, what do you think?)
Ok, ok...let's get serious, already!
We mean business...
Really, we DO!
Family photo ...not the best but more to come. Promise.
Beautiful end to an amazing day!