OK, so I spared all of you the previous test results because there were times it was like trying to see Jesus in a tortilla with the blue and pink dye tests but these are conclusive, especially the "YES+" result. There's something comforting about seeing that YES and + in the same line because I have a really hard time reading those dye tests (I'm a visual learner....like "spell it out for me please")... Loving that our surro is obsessed with testing and we wake up to a fresh photo of the result. Thank you for being so THOROUGH!
...Sticky sticky sticky!!!
...deep breath...
...we can do this...
I'm finding it hard to believe that I'll make it until Feburary but I think this is the hardest part, waiting for something viable (someone agree with me, please).
Well here they are...


14 dpo (tough to see here but it's there I promise...) :-)