Well no luck this past try. And then our surrogate had to travel for the holidays all the way in to late January so we missed the last cycle. Our next attempt(s) start tomorrow and I'm like "enough already...it's time this happens!" Just a little frustrated with all the emotions and anticipation, hopes and disappointments. I understand this is something you can't manufacture on cue, but I really do feel like we've put in our best efforts here and we are still empty-handed after almost two years of working at it (albeit we did not have our first embryo transfer until October 2009, but still, we've been working, working, working!). In fact, we've been working so hard on all kinds of things (that thing called work, too), that I neglected to announce that last year we introduced an extremely cute little girl to our family. It was an impulse adoption, after we lost both our older dogs in a year's span, but she's been a joy and a lot of sleepless nights -- let's just hope she's preparing us for a baby...SOON. Here are some pics of little Chloe.

Belated Happy Holidays to All...!
With much love and appreciation for all your support,
-Doug, Bill and Chloe