Finally a sign that our next attempt is in clear sight. It's been over 4 weeks since the miscarriage and over two months since our surrogate's last period, so we are definitely ready for our third attempt...December 15th our next round of inseminations begin (oh joy). Apparently our surrogate dreamed about this monster of a period coming and there it was the next day...(I think she actually called it a tsunami-like period but maybe that's too much sharing for this blog). And hey, is it truth or just myth that says women can be more fertile after a miscarriage? I'm staying positive and saying "YES"...
I'll tell ya, once we are fathers I'll be so glad to NOT worry about tracking "Aunt Flo" or the other multitude of nicknames a woman's period has (props to you girls!). We'll be done with that part...and many of you have said that once the little miracle DOES arrive, all the work that led up to it, the worrying, the tracking, the flying to India, the fertility drugs, the money, the search for another surrogate and egg donor, the inseminations...and on and on, really does become the distant past. And the most important thing is that you have this new life and light in your life. We are just SO READY, and had no idea what it would take to get there. But here we are, still marching forward. I have to say there are times that I look at our blog friends who have had their child(ren), some who I started following after our failed attempts in India, and can't help but scratch my hairless head and wonder why Bill and I are still at ground zero. I know this will happen, it's just crazy how much something like this can test you, your relationship, and your faith in something that really is out of your control (and body, for that matter). And as I said in August 2009 regarding my worries of failing in India (which seems like a lifetime ago), we just have to trust the universe.
I hope this finds everyone enjoying the Christmas spirit, their new arrivals and preparing for the merriest time of the year. More news from the flight deck soon...
D & B